Why silence?

All the fruits that are in the world once together gathered together a convention. The fruit of the spearheaded fruit is the fruit of the fruit in the world; Featured? With the question of ending his chief speech.

One of the fruits killed and thrashed in the throat.
Apple fruit, cherries, pineapple fruit, koyyappalam and pomegranate fruit have each claimed to be very tasteless. But the fruit of the vine was silent.

All the fruits of the vine were marvelous. The grape fruit was expected to speak something. But it was silent.

The other fruits scratched the vineyard.
Then a jar was rolling. It lovingly looked at the fruit of the vineyard.

"" Grape ... why are you silent? I know. He is the best in the world of the fruits, the good of the good, the well-being, the one who is full of taste! But you have a specialty beyond that. You must tell it with your mouth. Only then will the other fruits know about your qualification. "

The fruit of the vine is quiet.

"" Brother, you all come individually. You're selling separately. But we, like a crowd, grow up in a cluster. We give others to grow up. We live and give up. We're going to go on sale when we go on sale. We're not alone.

"" When we are crossing the sea, we're going to die. We are not united in life, growth, and death. That is why we have achieved the recognition that we are the best. There is no other reason! ''.

Other fruits were shaved with shame.


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